In light of COVID, we decided to take our Verde River Runoff VIRTUAL this year. We offered our supporters all over the country a chance to explore their favorite water bodies while paddling in honor of Friends. This was a unique opportunity for us to connect with paddlers and nature lovers from all over the world, allowing us to see different habitats, wildlife and of course, water! From Delaware to California, people got out on the water in honor of Friends of the Verde River.
We were so excited by all the beautiful photos and kind feedback that we received from our supporters. Our participants’ feedback even convinced us to include a virtual element in upcoming Runoffs! Thank you to everyone who participated! Here are a few shots from supporters outside the Valley:
“I used to live in Arizona but I have not been able to visit due to Covid-19. This was a great way to send AZ some love.” – Emily C., Goose Lake, California“Any excuse to get out on the water with my friends, I will take it! Especially to support an organization that works hard to keep the environment healthy.” – Becky M., Indian River Bay, Delaware“Our paddle on the Russian River was the perfect day. We saw an eagle’s nest, otters, so many different ducks and a blue heron! Thank you for this reminder to get out on the water and spend time with the wildlife!” – Emily M., Russian River, California“I was sent a link for the Runoff from a friend in Arizona and I saw it as a great reminder to appreciate the Susquehanna River and the abundance of water that it has. We are very lucky to have rivers and the threat of a river system drying up anywhere in the world is devastating.” – Abby P., Susquehanna River, Wrightsville Pennsylvania