
This project is designed to maximize all the potential that thissite has to offer. Utilizingthelargemound ofexcavated dirt from when the school was originally builtand integrating withland on the mound’s backsidetothe campus property line, thebike skills parkwill offer acontinuous vertical flow from its highest tolowest points. Approximately 1 mile of natural surface trail along with skill progression features will be constructed and optimized for users in the 8th grade and below.
Erosion and sedimentation reduction, as well as water quality protection will be achieved through projectactions. The Project will construct drainage to prevent downstream impacts. Soil productivity will beprotected through trail stabilization and work to properly drain water from trail surfaces, reducing surfaceerosion, and protecting plant and wildlife communities. By constructing a sustainable bike skills park onapproximately 6 acres of vacant on-campus property that was altered with a large excavation moundcreated when the school was built approximately 30 years ago, the tangible Project conservation outcomesinclude reduction in active erosion and sediments flowing into the Verde River as well as reduced impactsto cultural resources and biodiversity.