Vets for the Verde Restoration Crew
Each season, October through February, VWRC partners team up with us to train and employ otherwise unemployed Veterans to manage invasive species within the Verde River and Oak Creek watersheds. The Vetraplex has been a VWRC partner for the past five years. The VWRC partnership efforts have not only successfully improved riparian habitat for fish and wildlife, it has increased recreational access to the river in Clarkdale and has helped build a sustainable model for employing over 40 Veterans since the partnership began. It provides support to Verde Valley Veterans to successfully transition from military to civilian life. Funding from the One for the Verde program this season will enable Adopt a Vet Inc. and our VWRC partners to provide 700 hours of hands-on job skills training and 2,800 hours of paid work experience for Veterans. Adopt A Vet Inc. will use the $5000 grant from One for the Verde (awarded January 2017) to help cover the $22,000 required to educate, train and employ a sixth Veteran crew member for this 22-week season.