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Verde River Stories
” Salt River Project’s system of six reservoirs is now 98% full, the highest level since 2010. “ Click here to read the article.
The Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) recognized CEMEX for its commitment to biodiversity, conservation education and environmental partnerships within the communities in which it operates. CEMEX worked with Friends in Camp Verde to remove invasive species, restoring habitat! Congratulations to CEMEX. Read the full piece here.
by Nancy L. C. Steele When George Crawford opened his hard-cover edition of The Emerald Mile by Keven Fedarko, I heard gasps of surprise in the room. Eleven of us had gathered for a book club-style talk about The Emerald Mile, a story of the fastest boat ride down the length of the Colorado River […]
The Town of Clarkdale will install a floating boat dock at the Tuzigoot River Access Point (RAP) in the summer of 2019. This boat dock will improve accessibility to the river, making it possible for more stakeholders to engage in river activities. This project will greatly benefit river outfitters as well as individuals.
The Verde River Institute (VRI) completed a virtual model of more than 20 sites on the Verde River, Oak Creek, and Fossil Creek. This is a tool for improved land management around waterways.
The Springs Stewardship Institute (SSI) collected information on 820 springs, to understand these important sources of river flow.
By Elaine Nichols, Habitat Restoration Coordinator. Thursday afternoon Tracy and I hit the road headed to Patagonia in southeast Arizona for another survey training. Having only been south of Phoenix once, I was excited to see this part of the state and to learn about the Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Throughout the training, we learned about […]
ESRI, the leading GIS software provider in the world, provides users with desktop software, online platforms, customizable applications and more. Last week ESRI put on the 39th Annual User Conference (UC) at the San Diego Convention Center from July 8-12. The UC brought together GIS users from across the globe to learn more about how to […]
The Verde River Institute has conducted more than 1100 water quality samples using a drone-deployed sampler on the Middle Verde reach of the Verde River in the last 12 months. The parameters tested are: water temperature, pH, total dissolved solids, oxygen level (ppm), turbidity and E. coli (MPN). E. coli tests are done on an […]
Over the years, Oak Creek Watershed Council has hosted numerous opportunities for Verde Valley youth to engage in environmental stewardship by learning about human impacts on ecological health of their surrounding waterways. This year, OCWC will work with University of Arizona Cooperative Extension’s Mobile Water Quality Lab again to not only test for E.coli ; […]