Safety Boater Training, Verde River Valley Nature Organization
$3,000 was awarded in May 2016 to fund workshops in safe river recreation through April 2017. These workshops include instruction in river safety and “on river” training.
$3,000 was awarded in May 2016 to fund workshops in safe river recreation through April 2017. These workshops include instruction in river safety and “on river” training.
The Jail Trail is a greenway loop trail linking Old Town Cottonwood to the Verde River and its unique Fremont Cottonwood/Goodding Willow gallery forest. The trail has the potential to be a multi-phase project that yields great recreational and economic benefits to residents, tourists, and Old Town Cottonwood businesses. This project could highlight the strong […]
Each season, October through February, VWRC partners team up with us to train and employ otherwise unemployed Veterans to manage invasive species within the Verde River and Oak Creek watersheds. The Vetraplex has been a VWRC partner for the past five years. The VWRC partnership efforts have not only successfully improved riparian habitat for fish […]
The Verde Watershed Ambassador Program demonstrates a broad approach of Best Management Practices for watershed visitors, residents and property owners to help them understand how to reduce E. coli loads from entering into Oak Creek due to irresponsible recreation practices and day-to-day activities that contribute to nonpoint source pollution. In 2014, the Ambassadors picked up […]
The Dry Creek Restoration project will benefit the Verde watershed by restoring a portion of the Dry Creek drainage, a tributary of Oak Creek. Removal of illegal dams and debris will restore natural drainage, allowing the forces of water and wind to shape habitat for native flora and fauna. Trash removal should aid in reducing […]
National Geographic | by Sandra Postel July 25, 2016 In an effort to stem the depletion of groundwater and keep Arizona’s prized Verde River flowing, two vineyards are buying water credits through a new exchange designed to balance the basin’s water use for the good of the river and the local economy. Launched last week […]
The Verde River and its tributaries are a regional, state, and national treasure. The river and humans within its watershed are inextricably interconnected. The river is socially, economically, environmentally, and culturally important. The Verde River provides a lush corridor that stretches from Paulden through the communities of Clarkdale, Cottonwood, Yavapai-Apache Nation, Camp Verde and the […]
Arizona Daily Sun | by Emery Cowan August 13th, 2016 Running 195 miles from springs in the upper Chino Valley to its confluence with the Salt River near Phoenix, the Verde River supports thousands of acres of agriculture, feeds a burgeoning recreation industry and provides drinking water for 2 million people in Maricopa County. The […]
A future healthy, flowing river – it’s our choice Groundwater currently supplies almost all residential and municipal water needs in the upper Verde River Watershed – the Prescott area, Big Chino Valley, Chino Valley, and part of Prescott Valley – and the Verde Valley within the middle Verde River Watershed. The upper and middle Verde […]
The Republic, | by Brandon Loomis September 29, 2016 The Arizona Community Foundation has chosen five finalists for its $250,000 New Arizona Prize Water Innovation Challenge. The foundation, in collaboration with Republic Media and the Morrison Institute for Public Policy, will award the prize to one of the finalists on Nov. 3. A previous […]