What We Do
The Verde River, its creeks, and lakes (mostly reservoirs) sustained by the river system, provide excellent water recreation opportunities, rare elsewhere in the desert Southwest. Photo by R. Lynch.
Any river is really the summation of the whole valley. To think of it as nothing but water is to ignore the greater part.
Hal Borland
What We Do
We work to ensure the Verde River will flow for generations to come
The Verde River is one of the last rivers in the American Southwest to still flow year-round for its entire length. Although flow now begins downstream from its historical headwaters, the Verde River still sustains a critical green oasis of life through the heart of Arizona for approximately 192 miles, providing economic and recreational opportunities along the way, and delivering essential water supplies to communities – along the river, as well as upstream and downstream, where millions rely on this desert river’s water.
American beavers, which both benefit from and help create healthy habitat and river flows, live in the Verde River and some of its creeks.
But pressures on the river system mean that innovation and effort will be required to sustain the river’s flows in the future. Most flowing rivers and riparian habitats in Arizona have been badly degraded or lost through human changes such as groundwater pumping and diversion of surface water. Although the Verde River system is experiencing impacts from these same threats, there has been growing stewardship in the watershed in recent years. Restoration and long-term protections are being sought for a number of areas along the river.
The future flow of the Verde River lies with citizens, as populations grow and water demands increase. Since water flow in the river has already decreased, and studies show that more flow will be lost to human use and changing climate conditions, we aim to work now on solutions to protect the Verde River so that this unique gem remains for you and for the generations to come.
Friends wants future generations to experience the beauty and uniqueness of a flowing desert river. Our choices today will determine if the Verde River flows tomorrow.