2017 – Dry Creek Restoration, Arizona Wilderness Coalition

The Dry Creek Restoration project will benefit the Verde watershed by restoring a portion of the Dry Creek drainage, a tributary of Oak Creek. Removal of illegal dams and debris will restore natural drainage, allowing the forces of water and wind to shape habitat for native flora and fauna. Trash removal should aid in reducing negative impacts to water quality. This area contains rich wildlife habitat, increasing the importance of removing debris and trash that can degrade habitat conditions. This project also will improve visitor experience to the Red Rock-Secret Mountain (RR-SM) Wilderness, a very popular recreational area adjacent to Sedona. This region is enjoyed both by residents of Sedona and the Verde Valley, and by tourists. While this is one of Arizona’s most accessible wilderness areas, RR-SM Wilderness also offers rare opportunities for solitude in close proximity to urban areas. Local communities rely heavily on this area for respite and primitive recreation. Restoring a natural appearance to the area will improve visual quality, so important to residents and visitors alike. $2750 was awarded in January 2017 for this restoration project.

Arizona Wilderness Coalition

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