The face of the river…was not a book to be read once and thrown aside, for it had a new story to tell every day.

Mark Twain

Home » Get Involved » Bioblitz

Get Involved

A free event for all throughout the Verde River watershed in Arizona.

The Verde BioBlitz is a free event open to anyone throughout the Verde River watershed.

When: Starting April 16 and lasting until May 3, 2025
Where: Around the Verde Watershed. You can use this interactive map to find places to go!
Sign up: Make sure to join our iNaturalist project to log your findings.

Join the Verde BioBlitz: April 16-May 3, 2025!

Welcome to the third annual Verde BioBlitz, a collaborative initiative by Friends of the Verde River, Science Vortex, and our esteemed partners! This community-driven event invites volunteers to embark on a fascinating journey of discovering and identifying as many living species as possible within the Verde Watershed.

Event Details

Date: April 16-May 3, 2025
How to Participate: Explore Verde Watershed with our BioBlitz program. Visit these links for iNaturalist app instructions and suggested locations.

What to Expect

  • Venture along the river or anywhere in the Verde Watershed, such as Oak Creek or West Clear Creek.
  • Capture photos of plants, animals, birds, and insects using the iNaturalist app.
  • Contribute valuable species data to aid in documenting native and invasive plants along the river.

Participation Made Easy

  • No biology degree required! Identification can be done later; we value quality photos.
  • Whether you’re an iNaturalist pro or a first-timer, all you need is a smartphone or tablet.

Benefits Beyond Biodiversity

  • Contribute to the community and environmental well-being.
  • Enhance your individual health by spending time outdoors and volunteering.
  • We’re excited to welcome you to this enriching event.

Share your BioBlitz journey using #PurdyVerde hashtag and tag @friendsoftheverderiver on Instagram and @verderiverfriends on Facebook. Let’s make a positive impact on our community and the environment together!

Where should I go?
Check out this map of suggested locations.

What should I bring?

  1. Smart phone or tablet with iNaturalist app downloaded
  2. Water & snacks
  3. Hiking shoes
  4. Sunscreen

iNaturalist Observer How-Tos:
Downloading the App onto your smartphone (3 options)

  1. Type iNaturalist into the search function of the app store on your phone and select download.
  2. Use this QR code to go to the iNaturalist page for Friends of the Verde River to learn more. There are links to download the app at the bottom of the page.
  3. Use these links to get the app from your app store: Android Google Play Store OR Apple App Store

Creating an Account:
Visit or open the iNaturalist app on your device and select “sign up”. Enter your email address, select a username and a password. You can also create an account using an existing google, apple or facebook account.

Creating Observations:
Once you have created your account you can start observing! iNaturalist has a website dedicated to getting started with the app. Please click here to learn how to create observations.

Something to remember when creating observations:

  • Quality observations = Good photos! Be sure to get photos of leaves, stems and any other parts of plants. Animal photos are great, be sure to be respectful of the environment while getting the best focus possible.

Joining Our iNaturalist Project:
Make sure to join the Friends of the Verde River iNaturalist Project!

See the 2021 BioBlitz Video

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